HI Hostels Blog

HIhostels.com 5th Anniversary Celebrations

It is the 5th anniversary of hihostels.com website and as a special thank you to everyone we would like to offer something back. Find out about our two fun competitions, HI-5ive Hostel Awards and more!

Best HI Hostel and Why (Competition)

Today is the 5th anniversary of hihostels website and to help celebrate we would like to invite you to tell us and all our visitors which is your best HI hostel and why. As a thank you for telling us

Best Advice for Newbie Hostellers (Competition)

As part of our 5th anniversary for hihostels website, we are running this fun competition for our visitors to leave their best advice for newbie hostellers. This is great for our first-time hostellers and also great for you as you

A Brief History of Hostelling International

A brief history of over 100 years hostelling which started with German schoolteacher Richard Schirrmann creating the world’s first Jugendherberge (youth hostel) in 1912. We now have over 4,000 hostels world-wide and this is a short history of how we

Welcome to our Travel Blog!

Our travel blog is finally here and we are looking forward to posting some great content for you including all about our great hostels; the many countries you can find them, and how fantastic it is to be a member