HI Hostels Blog

Some bright ideas for your gap year

Some great gap year suggestions for anyone coming to a crossroads in life. Some great gap year suggestions for anyone coming to a crossroads in life. Some great gap year suggestions for anyone coming to a crossroads in life. Some

München für lau

Wenn es um bezahlbare Mieten und günstige Lebenshaltungskosten geht, ist München nicht gerade die erste Stadt, die einem in den Sinn kommt.

Top vegetarian friendly cities

Get your teeth into our favourite destinations for vegetarians and vegans around the world, and some recommended hotspots to tempt you once you get there.

Top food and drink festivals this year

We’ve rustled up our pick of events and festivals to keep your stomachs full and your taste-buds satisfied for the rest of the year. Unsere Wahl von Veranstaltungen und Festivals, um Ihren Magen zu halten vollständige und Ihren Gaumen für