HI Hostels Blog

Protecting Destinations: Culture & Biodiversity

Why do we travel? As well as meeting new people and getting out of our personal comfort zones, culture and biodiversity are two of the main reasons travellers choose to visit certain locations. Don’t you also enjoy witnessing the majestic

Sleep for Peace – Wake up to a better world!

Whoever you are, wherever you come from, you are invited to share and celebrate #SleepforPeace with us! [vc_actionbox type=”primary” controls=”right” title=”Have you added the Sleep for Peace frame to your profile picture yet?” button1=”Show your support!” link1=”https://www.facebook.com/profilepicframes/?overlay_source_object_id=10155181745878227&selected_page_id=349994282060314&selected_overlay_id=483314568728153″ target=“_blank” style1=”outline” size1=”big”

Creating fair profit and network development

During this 2017 UN Year of Sustainable Tourism, we have already shared many stories of environmental and social sustainability in the HI Hostels. Have you seen the stories of CO2 emissions reduction on our April blog post? Or maybe you felt inspired by the community

The Eco-Friendly Skies

If you’re like us, you try your best to live sustainably and make environmentally-friendly choices. By bringing reusable shopping bags to the grocery store, using energy efficient light bulbs (that get turned off when not in use!), buying locally produced

Engaging you, our guests

Summer is in full swing as we continue our journey in the 2017 UN Year of Sustainable Tourism (…and beyond) campaign by looking at various ways of engaging YOU, our guests, in the sustainable progress of our HI Hostels around the world. Last month,

whoa, that eclipse is amazing!

Great American Total Solar Eclipse

On 21 August, celestial enthusiasts and casual stargazers alike across parts of the U.S. will be treated to a total solar eclipse, the country’s first in 38 years. The total eclipse will be viewable from certain locations in Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska,

Our Communities – Giving back and building bridges

When did another month pass? Our journey in the 2017 UN Year of Sustainable Tourism (…and beyond) campaign is passing by quickly but not without inspiring projects and activities going on in our HI Hostels. In June we had a

4 months of the “Sustainable Tourism through Hostelling” campaign

The first 4 months of our Sustainable Tourism through Hostelling campaign have already passed, and during this time we’ve introduced inspiring projects from entire National Associations to individual hostels across the HI family. The topics we’ve covered so far include:  Consuming

Our People – Caring for our staff and volunteers

Here comes another month in our journey of Sustainable Tourism through Hostelling. In May we looked at Mobility – Inclusive travel & stay, make sure you check out the link to see how HI Hostels around the world are tackling the

New Group Hostels Opening!

Opening mid-May – HI Cahors, France The Hi Cahors Hostel is a very light hostel with extraordinary views of the famous bridge of Valentré, a UNESCO site also listed as a Historical Monument. The hostel sits in the Saint-Jacques-de- Compostela

Mobility at HI Hostels – Inclusive travels and stays for all

A new month, a new sustainability theme! Since the beginning of the 2017 UN Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development we have been showcasing the interrelated areas of sustainable hostelling. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Check them all out

#sayHItoESN and win a trip of your dreams!

We are proud to say that for the last 2 years we have been a global partner of Erasmus Student Network! To celebrate it, we would like to invite you to take part in our competition which winner will have

Sustainable Hostelling in Switzerland

Swiss Youth Hostels are committed to sustainability. By sustainability we understand consideration of social and ethical matters as a whole, such as the reasonable use of resources. Our sustainability strategy is characterised by its long-term and consistent implementation. In all