HI Hostels Blog

HI Sustainability: Reykjavik Free Documentary Night

Every Monday at 8 pm, Reykjavík City Hostel (Sundaugavegur, 34) and Reykjavik Downtown Hostel (Vesturgata, 17), both part of Hostelling International Iceland Youth Hostels Network, are hosting a free documentary night, open to everybody, with screenings mainly about environmental-sustainability issues and Icelandic culture.

Even though every Monday both hostels are projecting the same documentary, only one of the two hostels is holding a special projection each week, which includes a guided debate/discussion about the issues raised in each documentary. This special projection and  its location (either Reykjavík City Hostel or Reykjavík Downtown Hostel) is advertised on facebook pages and through punctual facebook events.

The aim of this documentary night is to create awareness about environmental issues and to promote a better knowledge of the Icelandic culture among our international guests and staff, and also among Reykjavik’s inhabitants, as this is an open event for outsiders. It is also a free cultural related activity that aims to encourage education, understanding and interaction between people from different cultures.

There are no boring subjects: you can find special activities (tastings of organic food, free beer once in a while and so on) and  receive a smile or a cup of tea from the very friendly and welcoming workers or volunteers there. Having international guests is a plus, because it’s a great occasion to speak with people with different cultures, linked by the love for a Country that has not only Music or Nature to offer… You just need to go deeper and find how to relate with the locals, how to deal with their culture respecting their territory.

This documentary night is inside the educational program of the Sustainability Policy of these two hostels, both holding the Swan Eco Label.

Written by Juan Carlos de Barutell and Reykjavik Boulevard. For more information click here.

Reykjavik City Hostel facebook page

Reykjavik Downtown Hostel facebook page

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