HI Hostels Blog

15 hostel ice breakers

The awkwardness is all in your mind.Die Verlegenheit ist alles im Kopf.La maladresse est tout dans votre esprit.La incomodidad es todo en su mente.ぎこちなさは、あなたの心にすべてです。

How to explore Paris like a local

We hand over to Big Blog Exchange winner Liesbet Maroye to take us through the city she knows and loves, straight from a Parisian perspective.Wir übergeben Blogger Liesbet Maroye uns durch die Stadt, die sie kennt und liebt, direkt aus

15 favourite fashions of Northern Europe

Some of your favourite trends, weird fads and essential accessories that are commonly found in northern Europe.Ein paar Ihrer Lieblings-Trends, Mode Eigenheiten und Wesensmerkmale häufig in Nordeuropa gefunden.Quelques-uns de vos tendances préférées, bizarreries et accessoires de mode essentiels trouve couramment

A brief guide to Edinburgh 2015

We hand over to the Edinburgh experts at SYHA Hostelling Scotland to help you plan parties, festivals and cultural events this year. Die Experten von Edinburgh SYHA Hostelling Scotland hilft Ihnen in diesem Jahr Partys, Feste und kulturelle Veranstaltungen zu

15 things to pack for your city break

Here are your answers, informed by countless miles and mishaps.Hier sind Eure Antworten, Reisen bildet schließlich und aus Schaden wird man klug.Voici vos réponses, nourries de kilomètres innombrables et de contretemps. Estas son vuestras respuestas, basadas en los miles de

Wachen Sie an einem neuen Ort auf… Nordeuropa!

We’re offering FREE eMembership and saying bye to booking fees from now until 16th February, when you make a booking at a hostel in any of our chosen 15 cities in Northern Europe.Wir bieten ihnen FREIEN eMembership und ließ ihm

New year, new opportunities for groups

Top inspirational tips to help you kick start your 2015 groups trip plans.Top inspirational tips to help you kick start your 2015 groups trip plans.Top inspirational tips to help you kick start your 2015 groups trip plans.Top inspirational tips to

Uruguay Uncovered

A collage of the many attractions, places to stay and free things to do in this fantastic country.

Amsterdam on a budget

The best things to do in Amsterdam are free (or very cheap). Die besten Unternehmungen in Amsterdam kostenlos (oder sehr billig).Les meilleures choses à faire à Amsterdam sont gratuits (ou très pas cher).Las mejores cosas que se pueden hacer en

Announcing our 2014 HI Sustainability Fund Winners

We are delighted to announce our 3 winners for our HISF competition.We are delighted to announce our 3 winners for our HISF competition.We are delighted to announce our 3 winners for our HISF competition.We are delighted to announce our 3

Free things to do in Paris 2014-2015: with a difference

Get frugal in France for the year ahead: from Paris hostels, to hacks and top tips, we’re full of free things to do. Suchen Sie eine andere Seite von Paris: Von Paris Herbergen, Hacks und Tipps, wir sind voll von

Share your love for travelling Europe on European Tourism Day

How we’re getting involved for EUFED’S European Tourism Day, and how you can too. How we’re getting involved for EUFED’S European Tourism Day, and how you can too. How we’re getting involved for EUFED’S European Tourism Day, and how you