At HI we know that without our love and care today, there will be no world for us to enjoy and discover tomorrow, which is why we believe in Sustainable Hostelling for a better world. Making small changes and sustainable choices can have a big impact. We believe travel has the power to inspire change and encourage responsible care, and are pleased to share some tips for eco-conscious travellers looking to minimise their carbon footprint while travelling with HI. From your accommodation to dining spots, shopping to transport, there are eco-friendly options out there to discover, helping reduce your environmental impact while exploring the world. Time to get those bags ready and enjoy planning your next trip with Hostelling International!
1. Greener Travel Options
Wherever you are travelling to, there are always small measures you can take to improve your carbon footprint. Minimising your impact is easier if you opt for more eco-friendly methods of transport, from buses to boats, bicycles to trains, hiking or even carpooling with fellow hostellers. In this way you can enjoy your trip with the knowledge that you really are making a difference!
Remember that many travel discounts and benefits are available to HI members, including a 10% discount with Busbud, your go-to place for affordable and convenient ground transportation options. Use their platform to easily book bus and train tickets, in over 80 countries, in your preferred language. At checkout simply apply the exclusive code, supplied with your newly purchased HI Membership.
If travelling farther afield, and you have to fly to your destination, then simply pack lighter bags. Less luggage means lighter planes which leads to lower fuel consumption. Try to book with airlines that recycle their waste and offset their CO2 emissions.
No matter what type of travel, it is important to look for those that care about the environment and make an effort to reduce their own carbon footprint.
2. Eco-Friendly Accommodation
When planning your next adventure, a great way to minimise your impact is to choose sustainable accommodation like HI Hostels. They are committed to sustainability, with initiatives ranging from energy-efficient practices to waste reduction strategies. You can find a list of some of our most eco-friendly hostels, those that have their HI Q&S certification, here. These hostels are certified through the HI Quality & Sustainability Management System, which was recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, and are guaranteed to actively work towards sustainability.
2024 saw certifications and recertification in HI Q&S for HI hostels in several associations including HI Flanders, Swiss Youth Hostels and also HI-Q&S certification for Qatar Youth Hostels, the first in the region! Certified hostels include Mons in Belgium, Grindelwald in Switzerland, HI Bergen Montana in Norway and Eurohostel in Finland.
Remember, HI hostels are not just a place to stay, but hubs of inter-cultural exchange and learning. What better way to make new friendships than hanging out in the communal areas, chatting with fellow hostellers and hostel staff alike. Gain tips on the local area, ideas from others of where to travel or what activities to do the next day. Check with hostel staff for low-carbon activities such as trekking, mountain biking, horse riding, kayaking, rafting, caving, snorkelling, swimming, concerts, theatre trips and language and cooking courses.
3. Empower Local Businesses
Whether it’s the food you buy or businesses you support, by choosing local products you are directly empowering the local community. Supporting craftsmen, bars and restaurants is one of the best ways to experience the culture of travel. Remember, connecting with locals and their businesses inevitably helps contribute to the socio-economic development of the destinations you visit.
Purchasing traditional local products, locally produced food, and trying out some of the flavours at local restaurants, not only supports communities but also reduces the environmental impact of long-distance supply chains.
Thinking local can also go way beyond your purchases. Why not step outside your comfort zone and see if there are any local volunteering options available? This can be a fantastic way to meet new people during your trip while giving back to the community you are visiting. If this is something you are interested in, check with the hostel reception to see if there are any activities currently running. Enquiring about community funds to support local projects is another great, and less hands on way to help.
4. Zero Waste – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Try to be conscious when shopping, choose products with minimal packaging or opt for package-free alternatives to reduce waste. You will find that local markets have more package free options and unprocessed foods available, just pop them into your reusable shopping bag and you’re off! Do bear in mind that fast food, in particular, creates an enormous amount of waste, be it organic or otherwise!
Bring your own water bottle/coffee mug and cutlery set/refuse straws to minimize plastic waste. You can refill your bottle at safe water sources; when these aren’t available, boiling water in hostels is always possible and safe! Use recycling bins to dispose of your clean, squashed aluminium cans, glass, paper, cardboard and batteries. Many hostels have areas where you can also leave or swap books, clothes and travel necessities. If you don’t need the rest of your toiletries, books or anything else when leaving the hostel, leave things with them for others to use. If unsure about anything, make sure you ask hostel staff. they’ll be happy to help!
Finally, try to use rechargeable gadgets: batteries, cameras etc. Instead of purchasing small containers of shampoo, take reusable ones and only travel with brochures and maps you will use, return the others to the brochure stand or leave them in the room so they can be reused or recycled.
5. Be Resource Conscious
Being mindful about our impact may seem overwhelming but just a few easy changes in habit can make a massive difference. To reduce your energy load, switch off lights and air-con when leaving your room, turn down heaters that are not needed, close doors and windows if the heating or air-con is on and avoiding leaving appliances on stand-by.
Waste less water by remembering to turn off the tap! Access to clean, safe, drinking water is a basic human right, however, it is not a luxury enjoyed by all. It is too easy to take for granted and forget what goes into making our water safe and potable. Help preserve this key resource by turning off the tap when brushing your teeth or shaving, sharing dishwater with others when washing dishes, using the double flush in toilets and also having quicker showers. Try to bring your own towel and only wash it when absolutely necessary.
Why not embrace the wild look when travelling through unspoiled natural environments? You really don’t need to wash your hair or shave every day. ☺️
There is only one Planet Earth and we all have a responsibility and a role to play in ensuring its health and sustainability for future generations. Think about the choices you are making, from providers you are choosing to those simple changes in habit that can make a big difference. By choosing to stay in eco-conscious HI hostels, dining at the hostel or eating out locally, you’re contributing to the local economy and promoting sustainable practices that benefit everyone. Hope you enjoy your next fantastic adventure with Hostelling International and that our tips help you on your way to being a more sustainable traveller!