HI Hostels Blog

Say HI! for Peace – Education for Peace

Education for Peace – how can education foster Peace?

As we enter Week 2 of our “Say HI for Peace” campaign, we turn our attention to the transformative power of education. At Hostelling International (HI), we believe that education is a cornerstone of peacebuilding, equipping individuals with the knowledge, empathy, and understanding needed to bridge divides and foster a more peaceful world.

The Role of Hostels in Peace Education

Education for peace extends far beyond the classroom. It’s about creating opportunities for people from diverse backgrounds to learn from one another, share their stories, and challenge their assumptions. Through these educational encounters, individuals can develop the skills and attitudes necessary for peaceful coexistence. 
So hostels play a unique role in peace education: by creating spaces where people from different backgrounds can come together, share their experiences, and learn from one another, we help to cultivate a culture of peace. Whether through formal programmes, intercultural exchanges or simply through the everyday exchange between guests in the common areas (think of cooking in a hostel alongside travellers from around the globe!), our hostels serve as hubs for education and understanding

Here are some inspiring educational initiatives from our hostels around the world that have been fostering intercultural dialogue and understanding.

1. Stoney Nakoda Elders Campfire Sessions, Canada

One powerful example of education fostering peace is the Stoney Nakoda Elders evening campfire sessions, held at HI-Lake Louise in Canada. During the summer of 2015, HI-Lake Louise hostel in Canada hosted a series of evening campfire sessions led by Stoney Nakoda Elders. These sessions provided an invaluable opportunity for guests to learn about the culture, history, and perspectives of the Stoney Nakoda First Nation. Elders shared their stories, answered questions, and engaged in candid conversations, often infused with humour and wisdom. 

Travellers from around the world who attended these sessions were mesmerised by the storytelling and left with a deeper understanding of the First Nations’ history and values. This initiative not only educated guests but also facilitated meaningful connections across culturespromoting peace through shared experiences and learning.

2. Intercultural Project IOU Respect

Another shining example of peace education is the “Project IOU Respect,” an intercultural exchange initiative that began in the aftermath of September 11th 2001. This project brings together young people from Arab and Western countries, including France, Germany, the USA, Tunisia, Egypt, and Lebanon, with the goal of promoting dialoguechallenging preconceptions, and fostering mutual understanding.

Project IOU Respect is more than just a cultural exchange—it’s a transformative journey. Over two intensive weeks, participants engage in activities designed to increase their knowledge of other cultures, enhance their skills in intercultural communication, and cultivate attitudes of tolerance and respect. This programme breaks down barriers and helps participants build lasting relationships on a foundation of appreciation and understanding.

The impact of Project IOU Respect is profound. Participants often describe the experience as eye-opening, thought-provoking, and life-changing. It’s an opportunity to discover not only the unique differences between cultures but also the undeniable similarities that unite us all.

To see the impact of this incredible initiative, watch this video that captures the essence of Project IOU Respect.

3. Cultural Education Programmes in Israel

In Israel, 17 hostels developed innovative and interactive cultural education programmes designed to introduce guests to the country’s rich historydiverse cultures, and complex social fabric. These programmes range from geography and religion to ecology, diversity, history, and values, employing various formats like quizzes, interactive scavenger hunts, films, and tasks.

One standout programme is “Meeting the Land of Israel,” which features 3D models of Israel’s geography available in multiple hostels. These models provide an engaging educational experience, allowing travellers to explore the country’s physical and geographical characteristics, and learn about its cities, towns, and villages. The programme includes multilingual audio guides and is designed with accessibility features for visually and hearing-impaired guests.

Another innovative activity is “Water in Israel,” hosted at the Karei Deshe Hostel. This programme features a 6-metre-long aluminum relief of Israel that illustrates its topography, water reservoirs, and the route of the National Water Carrier. Through interactive audio guides available in multiple languages and formats, guests can delve into the importance of water management and conservation in Israel. These educational efforts not only enhance cultural knowledge but also foster a spirit of peace and understanding through informed dialogue and shared learning.

Get Involved: Learn and Share

As we continue our “Say HI for Peace” campaign, we encourage you to get involved in educational initiatives. Whether you’re a traveller, educator, or simply someone who believes in the power of learning, there are countless ways to participate. Attend an event at a local HI hostel, join a discussion on peacebuilding, or simply take the time to learn from the people you meet on your travels.

Education for peace is a lifelong journey, and it’s one that we can all contribute to. By embracing learning opportunities and sharing our knowledge with others, we can help cultivate a culture of peace that extends far beyond the walls of our hostels.


A Global Effort

As we move through September, we’ll continue to share stories of peace, and unity from around the world. Each of these stories is a testament to the power of learning to bring people together and build a more peaceful world. Stay tuned for more inspiring examples of how education fosters peace and don’t forget to participate in our global events.

Join the Movement

This September, let’s travel with purpose. Let’s embrace the diversity that makes our world so rich and learn from the people we meet along the way. By participating in the “Say HI for Peace” campaign, you’re not just visiting new places—you’re becoming part of a global community that values peace and intercultural exchange. 

Together, we can cultivate a culture of peace through travel. Join us in making a difference, and let’s make 2024 a year to remember. If you believe travelling fosters peace, add our official hashtag to your social media posts: #sayhiforpeace

HI supports the Israeli and Palestinian people in their shared quest for peace. At HI, we believe in the power of travel, education, and dialogue to bridge divides, foster mutual understanding, and cultivate a culture of peace. As an apolitical organization, our mission is to bring people together from all backgrounds and promote respectful exchanges that help break down barriers and build a better future for all. We are committed to providing inclusive and safe spaces where travellers can learn from each other, challenge stereotypes, and contribute to a more peaceful and united world.

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