HI Hostels Blog

Say HI! for Peace campaign launch – let’s Cultivate a Culture of Peace Through Travel!

It’s time for our annual ‘Say HI for Peace’ campaign! Let’s go beyond sightseeing : this September, when we travel, let’s cultivate a culture of peace, one “Hi!” at a time.

A History Rooted in Peace

The “Say HI for Peace” campaign was originally a powerful response to a tragic event. In 2013, after the Boston Marathon bombing, our member association HI USA launched an initiative to bring people together through the shared values of unity and resilience. This has since grown into a global movement that now engages travellers and communities in more than 50 countries, and is endorsed by the UNWTO.

At its core, “Say HI for Peace” is about fostering understanding, nurturing tolerance, and promoting peace through the power of travel. It’s a celebration of the connections we make and the bridges we build when we open our hearts and minds to the world around us.

How HI brings Peace to Life all year round

At Hostelling International, we believe that every journey has the potential to be a step towards global understanding and unity. Through “Say HI for Peace”, we’re committed to creating opportunities for travellers to connect, learn, and grow together. By fostering a culture of peace, we’re not just building bridges between people—we’re laying the foundation for a more peaceful world.

Uniting the World on Peace Day

This year, our campaign proudly aligns with the United Nations’ International Day of Peace on 21st September.

The UN’s 2024 theme, “Cultivating a Culture of Peace,” highlights the importance of nurturing peace through education, empathy, and cultural appreciation—values that resonate deeply with Hostelling International’s mission.

Throughout September, HI hostels worldwide will host a variety of events and activities that bring these values to life. Whether it’s peace-themed workshops, art exhibitions, cultural exchanges, or community projects, every activity is designed to encourage meaningful interactions and foster a deeper understanding among travellers from all walks of life. Find an activity near you on our map!

A World Record for Peace

One of the highlights of this year’s campaign is an attempt to break a world record at HI’s 55th International Conference in Berlin, hosted by our member association DJH. On Thursday, 26th September 2024, participants from all over the world will come together at the Berlin Ostkreuz Youth Hostel to bake and break bread—a traditionally German activity often organised in youth hostels. This symbolic act of unity perfectly encapsulates the spirit of the campaign, as we gather to celebrate our shared humanity in peaceful harmony.

Join the Movement

This September, let’s travel with purpose. Let’s embrace the diversity that makes our world so rich and learn from the people we meet along the way. By participating in the campaign, you’re not just visiting new places—you’re becoming part of a global community that values peace and intercultural exchange. 

Together, we can cultivate a culture of peace through travel. Join us in making a difference: if you too believe that travelling fosters peace, add our official hashtag to your social media posts: #sayhiforpeace

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