HI Hostels Blog

Hostelling International Korea 2013: Great Volunteer Programme in South Korea

Think globally, Act locally

Every year Seoul International Youth Hostel launches Youth Volunteer Project in which both HI members and non-members can participate. This year 10 international and 10 Korean volunteers will take part in 4 weeks initiative. The first week is all about sightseeing alluring Seoul and discovering South Korean culture, for the second week volunteers will move to Jeollanam Province to work for 4 days on an organic farm in the morning and teaching children in Community Child Center in the afternoon.  Also there will be time for participants to cook their local cuisine and share knowledge about their countries. It will be a great opportunity to travel, get international experience and share global understanding.

The organic farm is located in the south-western coast allowing the view of the beautiful Yellow Sea and also was chosen because of its historical location in Yeounggwang province in Jeollanam, where Korean Buddhism had its origins. After the programme is finished volunteers can go on a trip to Demilitarized zone.


Project I: 01.07.13 – 15.07.13

Project II: 01.08.13 – 15.08.13

There is no project fee, and additionally transportation and food costs are provided by organizers.

If you would like to participate or get more information contact the hostel directly: syh1318@hotmail.com

Or  Youth Program Manager Younggwan Kim: seoulyh262@naver.com

You can also find more information on Seoul International YH facebook page.

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